每天都要去arxiv上关注最新一天的论文(computer vision)更新,而且每次下载的论文的名称都是arxiv的代号,需要花时间去整理,于是用python写一个非常简单的爬虫,自己使用,足够节省时间了。
import requests
from lxml import etree
import os
import time
import re
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool
def getHtml(url):
html = requests.get(url).content
selector = etree.HTML(html)
return selector
def getContent(htm, xpathStr):
selector = htm
content = selector.xpath(xpathStr)
return content
def getDownPdf(cons, title, folder):
fn = '%s' % title
pa = os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/' + 'arxiv' + '/%s' % folder
# check and create folder
if not os.path.exists(pa):
fl = pa + '/%s.pdf' % fn
r = requests.get(cons)
with open(fl, "wb") as code:
#### main ###
url0 = 'http://arxiv.org/list/cs.CV/recent'
print url0
# xpath of each page
xp1 = '//dl[1]//*[@class="list-identifier"]//a[2]//@href' # pdf href list
xp2 = '//dl[1]//*[@class="list-title"]/text()' # Title
xp_date = '//*[@id="dlpage"]/h3[1]/text()' # date->folder
htm0 = getHtml(url0)
cons1 = getContent(htm0, xp1) # get pdfs' href
cons2 = getContent(htm0, xp2) # get papers' title
cons_date = getContent(htm0, xp_date) # get date
folder = cons_date[0].split(', ') # get date string
print folder[1] + ': having %s' % len(cons1) + ' files'
print 'pdfs are downloading...'
for indx in range(0, len(cons1)):
href = 'http://arxiv.org' + cons1[indx]
title = cons2[2 * indx + 1]
print '%s.' % (1 + indx) + ' ' + href + ' ' + title
getDownPdf(href, title, folder[1])